Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Dinner Party

Paul and I hosted our very first ever in Quarry Bay, let's be real anywhere, dinner party last night!!

Nina and Kenny have invited us over countless times for delicious gourmet home-cooked meals, that it was finally long over due that we return the favor.  We locked down a date, and feeling inspired by some birthday corn bread (thanks Mom!), the menu put itself together.

Apps- cheese plate of Gouda, some cheese with a blue vein, and a creamy pepper laced something

Main- Dirty rice (Andouille sausage, onion, and Cajun seasoning) topped with corn and bean salsa (which is so easy and I'm going to make every day now) and lemon-lime garlic shrimp.

Side- cornbread on the skillet. I think cornbread is slowly ousting mac and cheese as my favorite food.  Perhaps it's time I get a mac and cheese fix to put it back at the top....PS when did I become Southern?

Dessert- well, this was a bit of a fail.  More like a lot of a fail.  Also from my birthday was a packet of peanut butter cookie mix.  Knowing that the cornbread worked on the stove, I figured so would the cookies.  Nope, they just burn on the bottom and retain their gooeyness on top.  Paul took charge and created microwave cookies.  The first batch was OK, but I put the second in too long (the micro is under the stove so it's hard to multi task), and took Paul a solid 15 minutes to loosen off the plate.  They still tasted good.

For those of you (that's everyone reading this except Nina and Kenny and Steve) who haven't been over, there are only two chairs for the kitchen table.  The table is glued to the wall so there's no pulling it out anyway.  We all sat around our 2' x 2' coffee table (3 on the couch, one on the rocking chair-don't ask), catching up over lap dinner, while sipping on some of Cali's finest Syrah, listeing to Songza.

It's so much fun to have them over for dinner, even without proper dinner seating.  Can you believe no one in HK has made Kina a home-cooked meal!??  It's absurd!  We're going to start having them over a lot more often.  Thanks Nina and Kenny so much for coming over and for the wonderful gift!!  They were sooo sweet and brought over a house warming/bday gift of a dutch oven!  Now we can make COOKIES, and bread, and roasts, and all sorts of oven stuff for real. 

Unfortunately we were having too much fun to take any pictures, so use your imagination. 

The End.

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