Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Macau and Back

And it only took me 5 hours.  I ran to the MTR, ran to the China Ferry Pier, just made the 11:30 ferry.  Read/relax for an hour and I'm in good old Macau.  Only had to wait 30 minutes in immigration, which I can tell you from past experience is crazy fast.  Then walked upstairs to the departures, got on the next boat out and was on my way back to Hong Kong.

No questions.  No second glances.  No eggy tarts :(
This was an article in the on-ferry mag about snake massages!!! Kill me now.

Now I'm good for another three months. There is absolutely no reason why my visa shouldn't come through, but if it doesn't next time I'm going somewhere cool.  Japan?  Vietnam?  Thailand?  We shall see.

Getting ready in our shoebox
After I rushed home from the ferry pier, I had just enough time to throw on a green dress (I got a few too many reference on FB to the last 7 times I've worn this dress, so it is officially retired), and run out the door with Paul to the Tung Chung Charity Ball.  This ball was for a wonderful cause; placing orphans in loving foster homes in Nepal.  And after just visiting Nepal, it felt right that we were the wine sponsors.

But, it being my first ball, it was kind of disappointing.  To be fair I was working, but still, I expected a little more glamor.  There were a couple cool dresses, but no Bjork style crazy ones.  Poo.

Paul, Sean, and I were tasked to serve wine during cocktail hour which was a blast.  Tons of people asking your opinion on wine and asking for sneaky top offs.  We were only there to 'taste' but come on, it's for charity.  I think Paul got a little overwhelmed by the crowds, but he didn't realize, people will wait for booze!  Maybe not happily, but again, hell this is for charity, how mad can you get at waiting 3 minutes for a glass of *free* wine?

Anyway, we served for an hour then everyone head in, except us of course.  We waited around for a while for some food, but were told there was not a morsel left for us.  Come on!  It was 9 pm, we'd had a few glasses of wine and no food, so Paul and I bounced leaving Sean to deal with the clean up.   Oops!  He ended up staying til 2 and I can't imagine what he did until then.  It was just us in the hallway outside the ballroom.

 Cinderella?  Not so much.  I think the funniest part was realizing in the almost two years Paul and I have known each other, we hadn't gotten this dressed up once.  The closest was the opera last year and we were by far the most dressed up there.  I need more balls in my life.  Get yer head out of the gutter!

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