Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sugar High

I've been making a failing effort to cut down on the sugar and wine in my life.   Let's start with the wine.  We have to go back, say, two 1/2 years to when I first entered Korea.  You step foot into that country and suddenly before you even realize it, you got booze in the blood.  Soju?  It's practically a law.  Mandatory two year boozefest and we flash forward to India/Nepal.  To be fair there wasn't a whole lot of drinking going on as Paul and I suspected the local booze were causing us harm, but we didn't like staying out past dark, so what else are we supposed to do in our questionable hotel rooms?  Kingfisher it was!  And then of course begins the four months of funemployment.  It's not that I was boozing because I didn't have a job, I was boozing because I was trying to get a job.  Everyone knows jobs happen over cocktails and wine.  Tis the first rule of business.  So I finally get a job, and where is it!?  A wine company!  I actually thought the job would entail a lot more drinking than it actually does, but it does keep my rack full, so it's no wonder I can come home and polish off a bottle in a day or two.  And it doesn't help my better half is a boozeinmeshoeser too.  Now that the holidays have passed, and before Brian comes next week, Paul and I have taken a week (well a few days) of abstaining from the monkey juice.

Now onto my sugar gorge today.   This morning, after our first cancelled walk due to rain (I still hit the gym! woo) , I grabbed a bag full of Quaker Oatmeal Squares cereal to munch on for breakfast at work.  I haven't had it in a while and didn't realize how sweet the stuff was.  Hm.  Next I had a banana.  Again particularly sweet today.  Then for lunch mashed sweet potato.  It had been marinating overnight after being mashed with milk, and man the sugar sweet levels spiked!  I know these may not sound like the sugariest foods, but three in a row was just too much.  TOO MUCH SUGAR! I vowed 'no more sugar today' and as soon as the thought left my head Sean throws a handful of hard candies at me!  Ok, just this point I'm just craving some lettuce.  4 o'clock rolls around and all I can think about is having a nice salad for dinner, and who comes back from immigration with good news....and cake!!  Greg brought a tart for himself and mousse cake for me, how could I say no!?  I never thought I would have a day (well since kindy where cake and candy was a staple) where I would be so turned off by sugar.  But here it is.  Luckily, in dinner I prevailed.  Paul and I met down in Causeway Bay for a light bite and Groupon foot massages (Groupon is good for something!).  I picked up a delicious tofu salad, and let me tell you, I felt better immediately.  Nothing like some tofu to cure a sugar high.

Paul loves his foot soak
The foot massages were awesome!  We had bought them months ago and hadn't really had an opportunity to use them.  I had no tutoring and it was too rainy for the races, so we cashed em in.  We started with a foot soak, much to the masseuse's advantage; my feet were stinky today!  Then we got into another room where there are birds chirping and soothing Asian temple music playing lightly in the background.  We proceeded with a 15 minutes neck and shoulder massage, heavenly,  then reclined in the most pillowy cloud like chairs while the lady went nuts on my feet for an hour.  It was a reflexology massage, so there was lots of pushing and poking, sometimes a little too intense, but mostly just amazing. It was hard to get up and walk at the end because I had melted into the chair. Ahhh good job groupon.

Now we're back home and I am enjoying a chamomile tea in bed.  Goodnight.

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