Friday, February 10, 2012

Tales of Tutoring

So you know how I mentioned I had two hours in a row on a Friday night of teaching, well turns out it was only an hour and a half.  Kind of.  I go down to Agnes' and she's on the couch watching TV and her JeJe (helper) is in the kitchen and Grandma is no where to be seen.  Agnes continues to watch TV and ignore me, the JeJe stays in the kitchen, and so I sit next to Agnes and start reading her a book.  This goes on a good 15 minutes and I'm feeling pretty guilty and then Agnes gets up, runs into her mom's room and won't come out.  JeJe tries to get her.  I try to get her.  Mom's on the phone trying to get her out of bed, but she's not having it.  After I man handle her out of bed and she runs right back, I decide I've had enough and leave.  The problem is no one seems to speak English too well and they owe me now 3 (2.5??) class's worth of pay.

Anyway, I go upstairs to my apartment and Paul's in the kitchen making vodka sauce!!  We chat, he sautés onions, then I go back to the 7th floor to teach Nim Nim.  She is just the cutest little thing I have ever seen!  When I get there it's just her and her JeJe, but Nim is always very professional and sits down at her mini table and we begin.  We start with a list of 'Things I like' and 'Things I don't Like.'  I ask if she likes riding her bike (she does), and she replies in her smallest little 3 year old voice, "it's very dangerous."  Ahhh she is too cute. Then mom and dad come home and mom sits down with us and we all have a nice educational lesson.  I get paid and go back upstairs where there is creamy, delicious saucey pasta waiting for me.  Paul, I think you may have something here.  Yum yummmm.

After polishing the rest of that off for breakfast, I am now off to the gym to read on the treadmill, then go to KTong to meet Paul after work and go for a hike.  Too bad it's always sooooo grey and cold here.  Man the past two days have been freeeezing!!  I'm talking sweater AND a vest weather.  Guess those mountains will get our blood pumping.  Happy Weekend!

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