Thursday, September 22, 2011

Swiss Wine Success

Guess who got an interview....THIS KID!!!!! Yey!! One event and one interview! After spending hours yesterday morning sending out "nice to meet you" emails, one paid off. Liza from SunLife called me yesterday afternoon and asked if I was serious about being interested in becoming a financial planner. Hey, it's not top on my list, but I'm open for suggestions, so she set up a meeting with some of her VPs and myself for October 3rd, where they will tell me more about their training program. Finally something's paying off!!

Yesterday was another wine event, although it really had nothing to do with networking. I called and RSVPed to the Spanish Wine Event at the horse track which got me an industry pass.
I stroll in at 5 and immediately am handed a glass and poured 6 different (wonderful!) Spanish wines. Turns out the woman runs a store a block from my house! I met another vender who sells cookies only at Yata grocery stores. Guess what opens Sunday in my basement! There were all sorts of Iberico hams being sliced and passed, cheeses, and of course many many Spanish wines. Spanish wines haven't existed in my life since DC. Hong Kong lifted it's wine tariff 3 years ago, and since then it has truly become a wine town. It's probably top 3 cities in the world for fine wines. All of which is fine by me. But, this was definitely an industry event; vendors trying to find proveyors for their product, so no networking really happened. Although I did meet a nice fellow who runs a wine blog here, so I'll probably keep in touch with him.

2 minutes later. I just got off the phone with Ms. Han!!! She's here in HK for a jewelry convention and we're going to meet up tonight or tomorrow morning! I've missed her!!

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