Monday, October 3, 2011

A SunLife fail...

Could mean a different new possibility. I went to SunLife today unsure of what to expect, and found out pretty quickly that they couldn't sponsor a work visa for a Financial Planner.  Something about it being a front office kind of job means that I would already have to be a permanent resident in order to be hired.  What they're going to do is submit my resume for a back office position, and if there happens to be something they can hire me for (which seems unlikely), I could do that for a year, and then move into the role of Financial Planner should I chose.  This is all a lot of IFs, but I suppose you never know!  Also during the meeting, Liza (the woman who orchestrated this whole thing) and I chatted and she remembered a close friend who runs her own event company.  She often does events at Ocean Park and only hires one other person to work with her to get things all together.  She wasn't sure if she was looking for someone new, but she said she would call and find out.  So there's potential there as well, and it sounds super fun!

In even more exciting news, drum roll please, I have a first round interview at JP Morgan tomorrow!!!!!  Yey!!!  This will be the first time wearing my suit since interviewing for PES in September 2007.  Yes, that's right.  First time in 4 years that I am wearing a suit.  Wish me luck!

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